Energetics - cooling, moistening - salty, bitter
Family - Plantaginaceae (plantain)
Folklore -
Plantain is seen all throughout the year, its is often ignore and troddon on, this is how it was believed it was spread throughout Europe and beyond, on the soles of shoes (or feet), wheels of wagons and horses feet. This is a hardy plant that can survive in harsh conditions like roadside cracks, wasteland and pavements. It is often sprayed with weed killer and still survives. There is not much stopping plantain from doing 'it's thing'.
Plantain is a great first aid herb and primary used for hot, angry, red, swollen condtions. This includes both the skin and inside the body. It has a soothing but astringent nature and can help speed up healing of wounds also helping to create an anti-bacterial environment.
Hot tea - Plantain leaves infused in hot water for 10 mins (with lid on) can help digestive issues, ulcers, leaky gut, acid reflux and inflammation in the body. The tea can also be used topically on the skin for insect bites, itchiness and wounds. A tea is good for dry coughs and lungs.
Skin - Reach for plantain in the form of a salve ideally for insect bites, boils, spots, cuts, scrapes and especially splinters as plantain helps to 'draw out'.
As with all new food/medicine go gently with all herbs and start with weak doses when taking internally.