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Make your own herbal bath infusions - contains my magic mix of homegrown and foraged  (rose petals, lavender, hops combined with oats, sea salt and bicarbonate of soda),

1 x muslin cloth and a red alpaca wool tie.

This is a deeply relaxed blend ideal before sleep. Rose helps to nourish the heart, lavender to soothe and hops to deeply relax.

Directions for use - add 2 tablespoons roughly 10g of mix to the centre of the muslin and tie with up with the tie (see pic) pop in the bath, swirl and use the muslin to gently cleanse and exfoliate your skin. When finished, untie, pop the herb matter in the toilet or compost, and rinse the muslin and tie and allow to dry or you can pop the muslin in the washing machine. 

WILD & PURE BATH INFUSION...Rose, Hops and Lavender

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